The first step is…

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The first step is admitting you have a problem, and I definitely have a problem.


I love books. I have books. Lots of them. I want more books. Lots of them.

Over the weekend, as I shuffled books around that were stacked up on my desk, I realized the number of books I own but haven't read yet, continues to grow at a pretty alarming rate. Since I had some spare time, I did what any geek would do; I made a list of these books, the category they fit in, and their page counts.


That's how many books I own, but haven't read. Oh, and to be perfectly honest, I probably missed some in my list, so it's probably closer to 105-110. Most are physical books, but a few are eBooks. I really love physical books, but I'm pretty sure Bookbub is the worst thing to happen to me in a long time.

To put things in perspective, I've read 25 books so far this year. Last year I read 25, same in 2014. That means at the current pace, it'll be four years just to get though what I have. I'm shooting for at least five more books this year.

By the way, these 99 books consist of just over 38,000 pages.

99 books. 38,000 pages.

Fiction, self-help, leadership, tech, biography are all represented in my list. Some are pretty short, but several are approaching the 1,000 page mark. Granted, some of them aren't books I'd read straight through either, so that helps.

The bigger problem is that I want more books. My Amazon wish list has another 20 or so books in it and my birthday and Christmas are coming. I already read (almost) every night, and a lot of my free time is spent behind a book, but I have a feeling this list may never come down to a "reasonable" level, and I'm really not sure I want it to. :-)

