Things I Learned (2022-1)
For as long as I can remember, I have been a command-line guy. I've always loved the simplicity of being at the command prompt, and I tend to have multiple terminals open at any given time.
Most of my interaction with git is through the command line - cloning, branching, adding files, commiting files, but anytime I had to do more complex things, I'd use a tool like SourceTree. For example, take adding files. Normally, I would do
git add .to add any changed files. For those times when I only wanted to stage specific changes within a file, I would defer to SourceTree.
I learned how to stage hunks directly from the command line. This is something I'd always use SourceTree for, but I was watching "8 Git Commands You Should Know" on LinkedIn Learning recently and discovered
git add -pI have no idea how I've made it this long without knowing this, but it's now part of my workflow and much less jarring than having to switch context to a UI.
Of course, this led me to
git add --interactivebut that's for another post!