Interesting links of the week 2023-14 (#66)
Here are some interesting articles, blog posts, videos, and GitHub repositories I’ve run into over the last week (March 27, 2023 - April 2, 2023)
As long as I see layoffs continue, I will include the link to my job search resources repository on GitHub. It’s a list of great resources I’ve gathered over the last few years, and I accept PRs if you have anything to add.
Microsoft / Dotnet / Azure - Other Software Dev - Tech and Science - Leadership - Project Management / Agile - Social Media - Non-Tech / Random - Videos - GitHub Repos - Things I Learned
My favorites from the Week
- Thoughts on journaling: Answering common questions - Me
- Operating from values
- Let unsustainable things fail - Matt Blodgett
Microsoft / Dotnet / Azure
- Understanding the .NET ecosystem: The introduction of .NET Standard - Andrew Lock
- C# - Clean up your exception handling logic with Exception Filters - Bart Wullems
- Create efficient C# tests with the xUnit library - Pierre Belin
- Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL vs. Azure Database for PostgreSQL: When to choose which - Michal Toiba
- 30 Days Of Azure AI Roadmap
- Accessing Objects Just After they are Saved by Entity Framework - Bryan Hogan
Other Software Development
- A look at PostgreSQL migrations in Node - Antonio Villagra De La Cruz
- SQL migrations in PostgreSQL, part 1 - Nikolai Averin
- 9 coding practices that have a smell - Dennis Doomen
- The lost art of writing SQL queries - Bart Wullems
- 3 TDD Techniques Most People Don’t Know - Gui Ferreira
- From Problems to Solutions: Understanding Design Patterns - Hana Belay
Technology and Science
- What Are Time Series Databases, and Why Do You Need Them? - Robert Kimani
- Welcoming Our New Chatbot Overlords - Ronald Bailey
- Traversing the Neutral Zone - Suzan Bond
- Here’s How to Stop Disempowering Your Employees and Start Creating a Cohesive Team - Kim Scott
- How to Assess the Technical Skills of a Software Development Partner - Hardik Shah
- On The Meaning Of Production - Jared Porcenaluk
- The Biggest Reason We Run from Challenging Conversations - Farrah Mitra
- What’s different about these layoffs - Eira May
Project Management / Agile
- Don’t Call the Scrum Police: Agile Rules Are Rare - Mike Cohn
- Is SAFe Agile? - Mike Cottmeyer
Social Media
- Why 95% Of Your Community Visitors Don’t Participate (And What You Should Do About It!) - Richard Millington
Non-Technology / Random
- What are the Benefits of a Decision Journal?
- Azure Infrastructure Weekly Update - 31st March 2023 - John Savill
- The friendship recession
GitHub Repos
Things I Learned
- Nothing this week; more coming soon