Interesting links of the week 2023-50 (#102)

2 minute read links dotnet   learning   socialmedia   csharp   python   git   github   agile   azure   til Comments

Here are some interesting articles, blog posts, videos, podcasts, and GitHub repositories I’ve run into over the last week (December 4, 2023 - December 10, 2023)

Looking for your next job? Check out my job search resources repository on GitHub. It’s a list of great resources I’ve gathered over the last few years, and I accept PRs if you have anything to add.

Check out the Michigan Technology Conference, coming in March 2024! If you purchase a ticket, use the code ‘MJEATON’ for $10 off.

Microsoft / Dotnet / Azure - Other Software Dev - Tech and Science - Leadership - Project Management / Agile - Social Media - Non-Tech / Random - Videos - Podcasts - GitHub Repos - Things I Learned

Microsoft / Dotnet / Azure

Other Software Development

Technology and Science


Project Management / Agile

Social Media

  • Nothing this week; more coming soon

Non-Technology / Random

  • Nothing this week; more coming soon



  • Nothing this week; more coming soon

GitHub Repos

Things I Learned

  • Nothing this week; more coming soon

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