Interesting links of the week 2024-20
Here are the best and most interesting articles, blog posts, videos, podcasts, and GitHub repositories I’ve run into over the last week (May 6, 2024 - May 12, 2024). Enjoy!
Microsoft / Dotnet / Azure - Other Software Dev - Tech and Science - Leadership - Project Management / Agile - Social Media - Non-Tech / Random - Videos - Podcasts - GitHub Repos
My Favorite Links from the Week
- AI is Gonna Take Your System Architect Job - Scott C. Reynolds
- Why writing by hand is better for remembering things - Justin Pot
- We’ve been put in the vibe space - Vicki Boykis
- I was wrong about “agile” software development - Jeff Putz
- Working with others is different from working. - Jess Kerr
- What software developers hate - Matt Asay
- Keeping Up with Tech - Keith Fung
- Separation - Jason Fried
- Not everything is important. - Robin Copple
Microsoft / Dotnet / Azure
- Finding the specific day of the month with PowerShell - Clay Errington
- Blazor Basics: 9 Best Practices for Building Blazor Web Applications - Claudio Bernasconi
- Windows Terminal Preview 1.21 Release - Christopher Nguyen
- I made Microsoft Edge my default browser because of these three killer features - Ed Bott
- Linked Lists in Real Life - Jeremy D. Miller
- 🚨 7 Most Common Mistakes in C# Programming 🙅♂️ - Konstantin Fedorov
- Refactor your code with C# collection expressions - David Pine
- .NET 9 LINQ Performance Edition - Steven Giesel
- Building Resilient Cloud Applications With .NET - Milan Jovanović
Other Software Development
- Three Laws of Software Complexity (or: why software engineers are always grumpy) - Mahesh Balakrishnan
- Boost Developer Productivity by Reducing Their ‘Paper Cuts’ - Jennifer Riggins
- Non-Functional Requirements - Brian Kelley
- Today I Learned - Effective Pairing with - Cameron Presley
- Big O Notation - Henrique Siebert Domareski
- How to (and how not to) design REST APIs - Derek Comartin
- 3 Critical Skills You Need to Grow Beyond Senior Levels in Engineering - Irina Stanescu
- The Elements of Great API Documentation - James Higginbotham
Technology and Science
- The Inside Story of the First Untethered Spacewalk - Adam Higginbotham
- It’s time to retire the term “user” - Taylor Majewski
- RDEL #41: What causes new engineers to “sink or swim”? - Lizzie Matusov
- Humility: The Secret Ingredient to Modern Tech Agility - Mark Schleier
- Dealing With Chaos: A Guide for Leaders Feeling Overwhelmed at Work - Lena Reinhard
- Communication Training: The Most Overlooked (and Most Important) Workplace Training - Indiana Lee
- How Do You Measure Developer Experience? - Jennifer Riggins
- Managing High Performers
Project Management / Agile
- #1 Reason Your Projects Are Late - Mike Cohn
- Teams Need a Shared Purpose
- Reassessing Agile Software Development: Is It Dead or Can It Be Revived? - Christopher Tozzi
Social Media
- Social media is a rip-off - Nick Hodges
Non-Technology / Random
- Azure Update - 10th May 2024 - John Savill
- What NOT to Ask Your Hero - Adam Savage
- Nothing this week; more coming soon
GitHub Repos