Highlights of the month
- I started a new gig after too much time on the bench. I’m still onboarding, but at least I’m billable.
- I finished five books this month which puts me about a dozen books over the goal I set for the year, but behind previous months. I’m not slowing down and plan to blow the goal out of the water.
- I celebrated a full year of being back on the speaking circuit after a multi-year break
- I introduced Logseq into my workflow
- I (re)introduced the MoSoCoW process into my workflow
- Including this one, I wrote 31 blog posts on this blog, one on each day of the month. I also wrote another 5 posts on Medium.
July was another solid month of blogging. Today will make 61 days in a row. I’m
not saying every post was a home run, but I’m looking for consistency more than
anything else. As much as I hope people get some value from my posts, I’m
writing for myself more than anything else. I tried to chase the money on Medium
for a while and realized I didn’t like playing the game, so now I’m doing
everything here and really enjoying myself. I occasionally re-publish things
from this blog to Medium just for the hell of it, but all content starts here -
well, with the exception of a deeper dive into the favorites I include in my
weekly Interesting Links posts.
I still haven’t been able to build up a buffer of posts, instead continuing to
“wing it” each day. August will be a busy month for me with a conference, and a
couple concerts, so as the month starts, I may pull back a little, and only blog
on weekdays, giving me the weekend to build up that buffer (and give myself a
Date |
Title |
July 1 |
Interesting links of the week 2024-27 |
July 1 |
Interesting Links of the Week: The best from 2024–27! - A Medium-only post |
July 2 |
4 Ways to Beat Procrastination |
July 3 |
A long weekend of… |
July 4 |
Moving from Gmail to HEY.com |
July 5 |
Obligation Elimination and other lessons |
July 6 |
One question for the weekend |
July 7 |
Busting common leadership myths, part 2: Extroverts only! |
July 8 |
Interesting links of the week 2024-28 |
July 9 |
What will you change? |
July 9 |
Interesting Links of the Week: The best from 2024–28! - A Medium-only post |
July 10 |
You never completely control the arc of your career |
July 11 |
How I moved away from WordPress (to something much better), part 1 |
July 12 |
Creating an Azure Static Web app (moving from WordPress, part 2) |
July 13 |
Day-to-day management (moving from WordPress, part 3) |
July 14 |
The coming week: Must Do, Should Do, Could Do |
July 15 |
Interesting links of the week 2024-29 |
July 16 |
Why aren’t we better at this? |
July 16 |
Interesting Links of the Week: The best from 2024–29! - A Medium-only post |
July 17 |
Things I Learned #23: History of commands in PowerShell |
July 18 |
Internal interviews as a consultant |
July 19 |
The Week in Review: Must Do, Should Do, Could Do - How did I do? |
July 20 |
Importing WordPress content to Jekyll (moving from WordPress, part 4) |
July 21 |
Must Do, Should Do, Could Do for the Week of July 22, 2024 |
July 22 |
Interesting links of the week 2024-30 |
July 23 |
What would you do if… |
July 23 |
Interesting Links of the Week: The best from 2024–30! - A Medium-only post |
July 24 |
Leveling Up Time and Task Management |
July 25 |
Learning things quickly: drinking from the firehose |
July 26 |
The Week in Review: Week of July 22 - How did I do? |
July 27 |
I had an ‘aha!’ moment about taking notes |
July 28 |
Must Do, Should Do, Could Do and more for the Week of July 29, 2024 |
July 29 |
Interesting links of the week 2024-31 |
July 30 |
My first few days with Logseq |
July 30 |
Interesting Links of the Week: The best from 2024–31! - A Medium-only post |
July 31 |
This post |
Final Thoughts
Blogging for 61 days straight has been fun and interesting, but I either need to
pull back as I mentioned above, OR I need to build the buffer so I can have some
breathing room.
I do have some ideas for more focused series, but that’s going to take some planning.