July - The Month in Review

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Highlights of the month

  • I started a new gig after too much time on the bench. I’m still onboarding, but at least I’m billable.
  • I finished five books this month which puts me about a dozen books over the goal I set for the year, but behind previous months. I’m not slowing down and plan to blow the goal out of the water.
  • I celebrated a full year of being back on the speaking circuit after a multi-year break
  • I introduced Logseq into my workflow
  • I (re)introduced the MoSoCoW process into my workflow
  • Including this one, I wrote 31 blog posts on this blog, one on each day of the month. I also wrote another 5 posts on Medium.

July was another solid month of blogging. Today will make 61 days in a row. I’m not saying every post was a home run, but I’m looking for consistency more than anything else. As much as I hope people get some value from my posts, I’m writing for myself more than anything else. I tried to chase the money on Medium for a while and realized I didn’t like playing the game, so now I’m doing everything here and really enjoying myself. I occasionally re-publish things from this blog to Medium just for the hell of it, but all content starts here - well, with the exception of a deeper dive into the favorites I include in my weekly Interesting Links posts.

I still haven’t been able to build up a buffer of posts, instead continuing to “wing it” each day. August will be a busy month for me with a conference, and a couple concerts, so as the month starts, I may pull back a little, and only blog on weekdays, giving me the weekend to build up that buffer (and give myself a break).

Date Title
July 1 Interesting links of the week 2024-27
July 1 Interesting Links of the Week: The best from 2024–27! - A Medium-only post
July 2 4 Ways to Beat Procrastination
July 3 A long weekend of…
July 4 Moving from Gmail to HEY.com
July 5 Obligation Elimination and other lessons
July 6 One question for the weekend
July 7 Busting common leadership myths, part 2: Extroverts only!
July 8 Interesting links of the week 2024-28
July 9 What will you change?
July 9 Interesting Links of the Week: The best from 2024–28! - A Medium-only post
July 10 You never completely control the arc of your career
July 11 How I moved away from WordPress (to something much better), part 1
July 12 Creating an Azure Static Web app (moving from WordPress, part 2)
July 13 Day-to-day management (moving from WordPress, part 3)
July 14 The coming week: Must Do, Should Do, Could Do
July 15  Interesting links of the week 2024-29
July 16 Why aren’t we better at this?
July 16 Interesting Links of the Week: The best from 2024–29! - A Medium-only post
July 17 Things I Learned #23: History of commands in PowerShell
July 18 Internal interviews as a consultant
July 19 The Week in Review: Must Do, Should Do, Could Do - How did I do?
July 20 Importing WordPress content to Jekyll (moving from WordPress, part 4)
July 21 Must Do, Should Do, Could Do for the Week of July 22, 2024
July 22 Interesting links of the week 2024-30
July 23 What would you do if…
July 23 Interesting Links of the Week: The best from 2024–30! - A Medium-only post
July 24 Leveling Up Time and Task Management
July 25 Learning things quickly: drinking from the firehose
July 26 The Week in Review: Week of July 22 - How did I do?
July 27 I had an ‘aha!’ moment about taking notes
July 28 Must Do, Should Do, Could Do and more for the Week of July 29, 2024
July 29 Interesting links of the week 2024-31
July 30 My first few days with Logseq
July 30 Interesting Links of the Week: The best from 2024–31! - A Medium-only post
July 31 This post

Final Thoughts

Blogging for 61 days straight has been fun and interesting, but I either need to pull back as I mentioned above, OR I need to build the buffer so I can have some breathing room.

I do have some ideas for more focused series, but that’s going to take some planning.

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