Interesting links of the week 2024-35
Here are the best and most interesting articles, blog posts, videos, podcasts, and GitHub repositories I’ve run into over the last week (August 19, 2024 - August 25, 2024). Enjoy!
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Microsoft / Dotnet / Azure - Other Software Dev - Tech and Science - Leadership - Project Management / Agile - Social Media - Non-Tech / Random - Videos - GitHub Repos
Here are some posts I’ve written in the past week
- I took a week off and hope to be back with new stuff soon.
My Favorite Links from the Week
- Serverless Sucks? - Derek Comartin
- Agile is not a process. - George Stocker
- Software estimates have never worked and never will and Merchants of complexity - DHH
Microsoft / Dotnet / Azure
- Using Kafka with .NET - Bryan Hogan
- Low Ceremony Sagas with Wolverine - Jeremy D. Miller
- Automate shrink database in Azure SQL - Sakshi Gupta
- Microsoft is finally removing the FAT32 partition size limit in Windows 11 - Tom Warren
- Simplify development with Dev Container templates for Azure SQL Database - Carlos Robles
- Implementing CQRS with MediatR in .NET 8: A Complete Guide - Adrián Bailador
- Supercharge your testing experience with MSTest.Analyzers - Jakub Jareš
Other Software Development
- Should Developers Curb Their Enthusiasm for Generative AI? - Richard Gall
- Book Review: The Nature of Code - Ted Neward
- The 3 Most Common Security Mistakes Developers Make
- Update on Software Engineering Career Ladder - James Shore
- A plea for the lost practice of information architecture - Vicky Teinaki
- I stopped an interview because I couldn’t solve some difficult problems involving technology I haven’t used in years. What could I have done instead?
Technology and Science
- Fire, Ready, Aim - Patrick Sharbaugh
- Retro: Setting up a BBS Using Raspberry Pi Zero 2 and Mystic - Jamie Magquire
- My Next Word to Retire is ‘Prioritization’ - Richard Mironov
- One on One Meeting Format Ideas - Marc Gauthier
Project Management / Agile
- Who Benefits from Agile processes? - George Stocker
Social Media
- Nothing this week; more coming soon
Non-Technology / Random
- Nothing this week; more coming soon
- So You Want To Implement Soft Deletes In SQL Server - Erik Darling
- Search Your Code in Seconds with this Visual Studio Feature
- Azure Update - 23rd August 2024 - John Savill
- What’s Behind the Star Wars Prequels Backlash? - Adam Savage
GitHub Repos