Interesting links of the week 2024-38
Here are the best and most interesting articles, blog posts, videos, podcasts, and GitHub repositories I’ve run into over the last week (September 9, 2024 - September 15, 2024). Enjoy!
Microsoft / Dotnet / Azure - Other Software Dev - Tech and Science - Leadership - Project Management / Agile - Social Media - Non-Tech / Random - Videos - GitHub Repos
Here are some posts I’ve written in the past week
- Nothing this week; more coming soon
My Favorite Links from the Week
- Stay in the flow by any means necessary - Robin Copple
- On over-engineering; finding the right balance - Eliran Turgeman
Microsoft / Dotnet / Azure
- Refit in .NET: Building Robust API Clients in C# - Milan Jovanović
- What are partial classes in C# and why do we use them? - David Grace
- CQRS Command Handlers with Marten - Jeremy D. Miller
- Testcontainers for Integration Testing in .NET - Merwan Chinta
- Comparing productivity Copilot options - Copilot for M365, Copilot Studio, build your own Copilot etc. - Chris O’Brien
- Search scoping helps you find what you’re looking for - Leah Tran
- Quickstart: Create and deploy functions to Azure Functions using the Azure Developer CLI
- 5 Must-Have NuGet Packages for .NET Developers: Elevate Your Code! - Ken Fedorov
- Query Exercise: Why Are These 3 Estimates So Wrong? - Brent Ozar
- Implement Azure Database for MySQL Step-by-Step - Rajendra Gupta
- LINQ Joins on multiple columns in Entity Framework - Steven Giesel
- GitHub Copilot Extensions - Rob Bos
- Preventing breaking changes in public APIs with PublicApiGenerator - Andrew Lock
- Performance Improvements in .NET 9 - Stephen Toub
Other Software Development
- Where Do I Go To Learn About APIs? - Kin Lane
- Run Llama 3 on your laptop: An introduction to Ollama for beginners. - Kris Ograbek
- GitHub trick to find the commit that deleted a file - Raymond Chen
- Master Difficult User Authentication Requirements with OAuth - Gary Archer
- Book Review: Strange Code - Ted Neward
- The insidious problem of configuration sprawl - Brian Grant
- How DevOps can come back from the dead, and why it must
- Event Sourcing 101: Terminology & Concepts - Derek Comartin
Technology and Science
- Nothing this week; more coming soon
- Building Aggressively Helpful Teams - Britton Broderick
- How to Lead Your Team when the House Is on Fire - Péter Szász
- Gauging Feedback: The Art of the Give and Take - Brandi Neal
Project Management / Agile
- The hidden cost of speed - Brayden A. Hord
- The Surprising Cost of Bad Estimates - Mike Cohn
- Why Traditional Software Development Practices Are Failing the Modern Enterprise
- Agile In Practice: The Definition of Done - Gil Zilberfeld
- 4 Steps to a Good Code Freeze - Alex Quintana
Social Media
- Nothing this week; more coming soon
Non-Technology / Random
- Nothing this week; more coming soon
- Azure Functions & PowerShell - Luke Murray
- Adam Savage’s Favorite Budget 3D Printer, Books, YouTubers and Podcasts - Adam Savage
- Azure Update - 13th September 2024 - John Savill
GitHub Repos