My thoughts on RTO
The debacle that is Amazon’s return to office policy has me thinking.
As someone who has worked remotely for most of my 30-year career, I find the whole “return to office” thing silly. For the last four years, most of us have been working remotely to great affect, and some of us for years before COVID shut the world down.
Are these initiatives really about collaboration and productivity, or are they about control? Maybe they’re about making sure the big investment in real estate isn’t “wasted.” Or, is it just an easy way to cull the herd without having to fire people?
Sure, I understand that working from home isn’t for everyone, BUT in 2024, being required to work in an office when you have a job sitting behind a computer is outrageous.
We have shown for the last four years that we CAN be more productive. The hours and money saved by NOT commuting have been a huge benefit. The ability to spend more time with family has been a huge plus as well.
I believe in remote work. I know for a fact that my desk and my chair and my environment will always be better than anything else. I like having my fridge and my snacks nearby. I like seeing my cats and being able to go sit on the deck when the weather is nice. I know I’m more productive without the constant interruptions of an office. I don’t mind hybrid work, but it should be a choice on how often I’m in.
Anyway, the decision at my company was made way above my pay grade. I don’t agree with it, but the opinions of the rank and file weren’t asked, so (shrug). Thankfully, we have a lot of leeway and nothing is mandatory at my particular office. I already go in every now and then, but for social things, not to do real work. If they make it mandatory, I’ll have a decision to make, much like the people from Amazon.