Interesting links of the week 2024-41
Here are the best and most interesting articles, blog posts, videos, podcasts, and GitHub repositories I’ve run into over the last week (September 30, 2024 - October 6, 2024). Enjoy!
Microsoft / Dotnet / Azure - Other Software Dev - Tech and Science - Leadership - Project Management / Agile - Social Media - Non-Tech / Random - Videos - GitHub Repos
Here are some posts I’ve written in the past week
- Weekly goals: Status of last week’s goals, and Goals for the week of September 30
- One more tool in my productivity tool chest
- My thoughts on RTO
- Powerful quotes from Powerful by Patty McCord
My Favorite Links from the Week
- See list above 👆 😁
- It isn’t “return to office.” It’s “malicious destruction of trust.” - Ross Pettit
- My Recommendations for a Test Automation Strategy - Jeremy D. Miller
- Legacy Systems Age in Reverse - Matt Blodgett
- Appetites instead of estimates - Jason Fried
- Meetings Are Too Easy To Book. It’s Straining Our Productivity. - Lisa Bodell
- When To Do What You Love - Paul Graham
Microsoft / Dotnet / Azure
- How to Create Azure Service Principals in PowerShell - Adam Bertram
- Palindrome Check: Normalize Strings in C# - Ishika Tiwari
- How to Migrate from WP Engine to WordPress on App Service? - Abhishek Reddy
- Discover the New Azure Cosmos DB Samples Gallery! - Mark Brown
- How can I detect whether the user is running as an elevated administrator (as opposed to a natural administrator)? - Raymond Chen
- xUnit v3 and some stuff about TUnit - Steven Giesel
- Implementing the Outbox Pattern - Milan Jovanović
- Keep your project structure simple! - Derek Comartin
Other Software Development
- 11 Vim Tips That Will Save You Hours of Editing Time - Zunaid Ali
- Working With Legacy Code - Quintus Flannagan
- Building a Developer Platform - Jonathan Saring
- How to Choose the Architecture for Your GenAI Application - Lak Lakshmanan
- What Is API Developer Experience? - Bill Doerrfeld
Technology and Science
- Nothing this week; more coming soon
- Perception ISN’T Reality, But…
- Why does the “knowing-doing gap” exist, and how can engineering leaders overcome it? - Lizzie Matusov
Project Management / Agile
Social Media
- Nothing this week; more coming soon
Non-Technology / Random
- Three simple fixes that could change your life. - Robin Copple
- Getting Started With Event Sourcing in .NET Using Marten
- Azure Update - 4th October 2024 - John Savill
- Why Adam Savage Will Never Build a Star Trek Spacesuit - Adam Savage
GitHub Repos