Things I Learned
Things I Learned #24: More Powershell - deleting merged git branches
The one where I learned how to use Powershell to delete merged branches in git.
Things I Learned #23: History of commands in PowerShell
The one where I learned how to look back at my command history in PowerShell.
Things I Learned #22: How to Count Words in Powershell
The one where I learned how to count words in a file using Powershell.
Things I Learned #21: Running specific Azure Functions in a solution that has multiple
The one where I learned how to control which Azure Functions to run in a solution that has multiple
Things I Learned #20: Creating GUIDs at the command line in Windows and Mac
The one where I learned better ways of creating guids at the command line on Windows and Mac.
Things I Learned #19: MacOS, Dotnet, and Azure Functions
The one where I learned how get Azure Functions building on my Mac.
Things I Learned #18: GitHub Actions on a Schedule
The one where I learned how to make a GitHub Action run on a schedule.
Things I Learned #17: Another git trick
The one where I learned another way to change branches in git.
Things I Learned #16: Writing is hard
The one where I learned how tough it is to write every day.
Things I Learned #15: Zsh_stats
The one where I learned about zsh_stats.
Things I Learned #14: GitHub Actions and ignoring files
The one where I learned how to ignore files when trigger a GitHub Action.
Things I Learned #13: VS Code and merging
The one where I finally replaced vim as my mergetool in git.
Things I Learned #12: DevToys
The one where I learned about a great set of tools for developers.
Things I Learned #11: Zsh, Spotify, and more
The one where I learned about a cool plugin for Zsh.
Things I Learned #10: The Mac Terminal is talking back
The one where I learned about the Mac say command.
Things I Learned #9: More about Finder
The one where I learned more about Finder
Things I Learned #8: Open and the Mac Terminal
The one where I learned how to open things on my Mac.
Things I Learned #7: PowerShell and the clipboard
The one where I learned more about PowerShell and the clipboard.
Things I Learned #6: Formatting output in PowerShell
The one about the ways to format data from PowerShell.
Things I Learned #5: VS Code Snippets: snippets for everyone!
The one about Visual Studio Code Snippets.
Things I Learned #4: Pane Management in Windows Terminal
The one about pane management in Windows Terminal.
Things I Learned #3: VS Code, extensions, and the command line
The one about Visual Studio Code, extensions, and the command line.
Things I Learned (2022-2)
The (first) one about VSCode.
Things I Learned (2022-1)
The one about git add.
Things I Learned (2022-0)
An introductory post for a new series, hopefully daily, of things I pick up along the way.