An excerpt from my “Going Indie” book: Contracts
Yes, I'm behind on getting this thing wrapped up, but yes, it's still coming!
This isn't the entire section on Contracts - just a snippet, but it's important. In fact, this is probably one of the first things I wrote back in July when I started.
The section starts with this quote:
Until the contract is signed, nothing is real. - Glenn Danzig
This section can best be summarized by the following:
Do NOT ever engage in a project without having a written contract in place.If you think people are trustworthy and wouldn't want to see any harm come to you or your business, you still need a written contract. If you're doing work for a friend you've known your entire life, you still need a written contract. If you're working with a client and they tell you that the project is small and you don't need a contract, you still need a written contract. I don't care what the circumstances are - HAVE A CONTRACT!
It bears repeating:
Do NOT ever engage in a project without having a written contract in place.