Interesting links of the week 2023-16 (#68)
Here are some interesting articles, blog posts, videos, podcasts, and GitHub repositories I’ve run into over the last week (April 10, 2023 - April 16, 2023)
As long as I see layoffs continue, I will include the link to my job search resources repository on GitHub. It’s a list of great resources I’ve gathered over the last few years, and I accept PRs if you have anything to add.
Microsoft / Dotnet / Azure - Other Software Dev - Tech and Science - Leadership - Project Management / Agile - Social Media - Non-Tech / Random - Videos - Podcasts - GitHub Repos - Things I Learned
My Favorite Links from the Week
- The Case Against Measuring Cycle Time - Abi Noda
Microsoft / Dotnet / Azure
- Health Checks in .NET: 2 ways to check communication with MongoDB - Davide Bellone
Other Software Development
- Building GitHub with Ruby and Rails - Adam Hess
- Kubernetes vs. Virtual Machines: Understanding the Differences - Kevin James
- How to Create a Good Pull Request Template (and Why You Should Add Gifs) - BekahHW
Technology and Science
- 2 High School Students Prove Pythagorean Theorem. Here’s What That Means - Leila Sloman
- I’m an ER doctor: Here’s what I found when I asked ChatGPT to diagnose my patients - Josh Tamayo-Sarver, MD, PhD
- Psychological Biases - JD Meier
- Are meetings making you less productive? - Ryan Donovan
- Things you can’t teach
- The power of empathy in software development leadership - Josh Tichauer
- Fast-forwarding decision making - James Stanier
- Beyond Getting Stuff Done - Leo Babauta
Project Management / Agile
- Why Team-Level Agile Isn’t Agile Transformation - Mike Cottmeyer
Social Media
- Nothing this week; more coming soon
Non-Technology / Random
- The Optimal U.S. National Parks Centennial Road Trip - Dr. Randal S. Olson
- What ARE Containers? (and Docker …) - John Savill
- Neovim 0.9 New Features - Elijah Manor
- Work is not your family - Gloria Chan Packer
- Azure Infrastructure Weekly Update - 14th April 2023 - John Savill
- Nothing this week; more coming soon
GitHub Repos
Things I Learned
- Nothing this week; more coming soon