Interesting links of the week 2023-40 (#92)
Here are some interesting articles, blog posts, videos, podcasts, and GitHub repositories I’ve run into over the last week (September 25, 2023 - October 1, 2023)
As long as I see layoffs continue, I will include the link to my job search resources repository on GitHub. It’s a list of great resources I’ve gathered over the last few years, and I accept PRs if you have anything to add.
Microsoft / Dotnet / Azure - Other Software Dev - Tech and Science - Leadership - Project Management / Agile - Social Media - Non-Tech / Random - Videos - Podcasts - GitHub Repos - Things I Learned
My Favorite Links from the Week
- Slow is a Superpower - Matt Blodgett
- The Written Word - Morgan Housel
- Tales from the .NET Migration Trenches - Migrating Initial Business Logic - Jimmy Bogard
- Exploring the Depths of Knowledge and Experience - Dave Ward
Microsoft / Dotnet / Azure
- The convenience of .NET - Richard Lander
- Are your organization’s secrets safe? - Mike Hacker
- Questions I asked as .NET interviewer - Steven Giesel
Other Software Development
- Bounded Contexts: The Unsung Hero of Enterprise Software Systems - Abdul Waris
- Microservices Retrospective – What We Learned (and Didn’t Learn) from Netflix
- When to not use SOLID principles - StackOverflow thread
- Death by a thousand microservices - Andrei Taranchenko
- An Essential Guide to Pointers in C Programming - Melanie Ngome
Technology and Science
- Raspberry Pi 5 Arrives in October, Starts at $60 - Paul Thurrott
- Internal vs. External Accountabilities - Aaron Stannard
- What we talk about when we talk about impostor syndrome - Eira May
- What is Servant Leadership? - J.D. Meier
- Own, Collaborate, Inform - Ted Neward
Project Management / Agile
Social Media
- Nothing this week; more coming soon
Non-Technology / Random
- Come Get Your Dead: Acknowledging and Embracing North Market’s Relationship with North Graveyard - Jesse Bethea
- Azure Infrastructure Update - 29th September 2023 - John Savill
- Nothing this week; more coming soon
GitHub Repos
Things I Learned
- Nothing this week; more coming soon